Bringing People Together

That’s right people of Porirua,

That’s right people of Porirua, we’ve got heaps of talent in our community, and that’s just the vibe we need! It’s all about bringing people together to celebrate the awesomeness we’ve got right here in Porirua.

We’re all about giving our tamariki and rangatahi hope and something cool to look forward to and get involved in. Porirua Has Talent is all about positivity and excitement!

Taking part in a talent show can really boost your confidence and make you feel a sense of accomplishment. It’s a chance to show off our amazing talent and feel awesome about it, which is great for mental wellbeing too!


There are 4 categories and 2 different age brackets to enter.

Tamariki aged 12 years and under – Rangatahi aged between 13 and 25 years

A big THANK YOU to all who entered Porirua Has Talent!

You were all so brave to share your talents with us and it was really hard for the judges to narrow it down to the Top 3 for each category.
Here is the list of the AMAZING talent that have made it through to the finals of Porirua Has Talent on the 21st September 2024.
Come along and watch the finals to support our tamariki and rangatahi of Porirua!


12yrs & Under

Tairal Isaako
Kayla- Rose Cuttance
Hexyle Cram Rivera

13yrs – 25yrs

Sophie Taylor-Edwards
Zung Bawm Lathaw
Emma Pine


12yrs & Under

Emily Love
Lilly Hartnett
Celeste Richards

13yrs – 25yrs

Sage Ngatai
Olivia Murphy


12yrs & Under

JJ Hindson
Joel-Jakes Sheck
Madison Tither


12yrs & Under

Holy Family School
A Little Party

13yrs – 25yrs

Bad To The Bone
Quarter Cup Of Pain

Terms & Conditions

  • To enter ‘Porirua Has Talent’ you must live in Porirua and your area code starts with 502
  • If you have entered the ’12 & Under’ category, you confirm that you will be 12 or under as of 21st September 2024
  • If you have entered the ’13 to 25′ category, you confirm that you will be 25 or under as of 21st September 2024
  • If you have entered as an individual, you will have a maximum time 2 minutes and 30 seconds for your Grand Final performance
  • If you have entered as a group, you will have a maximum time of 3 minutes for your Grand Final performance
  • If you have entered as a group, you will have a maximum of 25 people in your group


Come and watch!

Come along and watch our talented tamariki and rangatahi of Porirua in the GRAND FINAL!

It’s FREE for tamariki and rangatahi – (anyone under 25) to come along and watch. Adult tickets are $15.

Spaces are limited, so register to secure your ticket now!

Grand Final

Top 3 Finalists

Saturday 21st September, 10.30am to 4.30pm

Te Manawa Auditorium, Aotea College, Okowai Road, Porirua


We have some fabulous prizes to give away to our Gold, Silver & Bronze winners, as well as some incredible spot prizes on the Grand Final night too!

Prizes will be awarded in the form of Prezzy Gift Cards


12yrs & Under

1st Place – $250
2nd Place – $125
3rd Place – $50

13yrs – 25yrs

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $250
3rd Place – $100


12yrs & Under

1st Place – $250
2nd Place – $125
3rd Place – $50

13yrs – 25yrs

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $250
3rd Place – $100


12yrs & Under

1st Place – $250
2nd Place – $125
3rd Place – $50

13yrs – 25yrs

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $250
3rd Place – $100


12yrs & Under

1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $250
3rd Place – $100

13yrs – 25yrs

1st Place – $1000
2nd Place – $500
3rd Place – $200

Meet our judges

Get tickets to the finals!

Meet our Partners

A shout out to all our community supporters who have helped us to bring Porirua Has Talent to life.

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini” – Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.